Getting Started with Flask (Firstly What is Backend Server)
Flask is a Mini Backend Server that can help you write server side code in Python

What is a Backend Server?
A website involves two things, Client side code and Server Side code. Client side code is something that is reached to users browser and is rendered over there, Server Side code is something that is running on a server which helps the client side code to make api calls, communicate information and many more. It is safe to do important things from your server than in clients computer right.
What is Flask?
Flask is simply a library that helps write server side code in python. There are many options Java(Spring bot), Python (Flask and Django), Javascript (NodeJs), Postgress.
$pip install flask
- Pip is a packet manager that comes with Python.
Render HTML file
Create this file structure to render HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

To render a html file 🏗
To get a string from link
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References: Pythonise Episodes: 30