Play Songs From Terminal🎵
Online music players are totally bloated with ads, Its time to find an alternative

I asked the same question myself, I had my reasons let us go through them
- It looks cool on the internet
- Reduces load on CPU caused by external media players
- No ADS!!
For this you need two applications mpv and youtube-dl, mpv is used to play videos and songs, youtube-dl is used to download youtube audio and video.
# MacOS$ brew install youtube-dl mpv# Linux$ sudo apt-get install youtube-dl mpv
To get this to work it is simple create a folder to store your songs and cd into that directory. Go on to youtube and get the link for video song you want.
$ youtube-dl "<link>" -o "<output>"
If you only need the song not the video:
$ youtube-dl -F "<link>"
It give all the formats of the download that is possible, chose the id of the format that you need (Generally 140 .m4a works).
$ youtube-dl -f 140 "<link>" -o "<output.m4a>"
Now that the songs are downloaded we need to start playing them.
$ mpv <song>.m4a
If you want all the songs to play, use piping in terminal
$ ls | grep ".m4a" | xargs -r mpv
This will eliminate the need for other media players and remove the dependence on music websites. If you wish you can put this in a function and just call the function whenever you need directly from the terminal.
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